Choose Possibly relevant if you feel the records are about both factors influencing practice, AND electronic fetal heartrate monitoring.
Choose Not relevant if you feel confident the record is:
Select from the list below the tasks you would like to display on your dashboard.
You can have a fun one-to-one screening challenge with another Cochrane Crowd contributor!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Thank you for suggesting this record as a training record. Tell me why you want to suggest it.
Enter a word or phrase and select a colour to highlight it in each record. You may find it helpful to group related terms by colour.
We have introduced a number of new features and functions in Cochrane Crowd based on contributor feedback. These include enabling contributors to compete with another Cochrane Crowd contributor (in a fun and friendly way!).
Screen4Me notification emails
One-to one screening challenge feature permissions
One-to-one screening challenge notification permissions
You can now also set your own screening targets. This can be done within the task preferences for a task. If you would like, we can periodically send you reminders about your targets
Personalise your account with an avatar. Upload an image here to be used as an avatar. All avatars can be seen by anyone who uses the system.
The image must be a JPG or PNG and must be no larger then 400kB or it will be rejected by the system. An ideal image would be a square jpeg of around 20kB.
Drop an image in the box below to associate it with your profile.
When you are screening you can choose where the screening buttons appear.
Choose here whether a single click on a decision will move you to the next record or not.
Normally Cochrane Crowd downloads a small number of records that you can work on and synchronises them automatically with the server. If you know you might be away from Internet access for a while you can increase that number so you can work offline.
Choose here how many records you would like to see at a time inside task history.
Well done, you have finished the training set.
Well done, you have finished the assessment set.
Of the correct. You can either go back and do more training or start screening Since you got less than 50% correct it's best if you redo the training before moving on. The pass mark for this course is 80%. You can have one more attempt at another set of records. | Of the correct. |
You have passed the Classmate module:
Unfortunately you haven’t passed this Classmate module:
The pass mark has been set at 80%
You can ask us for feedback on those you got incorrect - just email
Welcome to Cochrane Crowd. Before you get started on your Cochrane Crowd adventure it would be fantastic if you could take a minute to answer 5 brief questions. These questions help us to understand a little about who our crowd is. This in turn helps us to think about how we design the tasks as well as the guidance and training materials that support each task. We will not share the information you give here with other organisations.
How old are you? [Choose one]
Do you have any health-related research experience? [Choose one]
Do you know what a systematic review is? [Choose one]
How would you describe yourself [Tick all that apply to you]
What is the highest degree of level of education you have? [Choose one]
Cochrane Crowd (that’s you) are not only helping to identify studies, you are helping to advance our understanding of using crowdsourcing to speed up the production of health evidence. Listed below are some of the research outputs produced that have involved Cochrane Crowd.
An evaluation of Cochrane Crowd found that crowdsourcing produced accurate results in identifying randomized trials
Cochrane Centralised Search Service showed high sensitivity identifying randomised controlled trials: A retrospective analysis
Data reuse, machine learning, and crowdsourcing in Screen4Me
Development of a search filter to identify reports of controlled clinical trials within CINAHL Plus
Evaluating Cochrane’s centralised search and screening processes: a retrospective analysis of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trial’s (CENTRAL) coverage
Identifying reports of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) via a hybrid machine learning and crowdsourcing approach
Living Systematic Reviews: 2. Combining human and machine effort
Machine learning for identifying randomized controlled trials: an evaluation and practitioner’s guide
Machine learning reduced workload with minimal risk of missing studies: development and evaluation of a randomized controlled trial classifier for Cochrane Reviews
Single-reviewer abstract screening missed 13 percent of relevant studies: a crowd-based, randomized controlled trial
State of the evidence: a survey of global disparities in clinical trials
Training in the use of intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring with cardiotocography: systematic review and meta-analysis
Working with a new kind of team: harnessing the wisdom of the crowd in trial identification
Closing for maintenance in 15 minutes
Failed to load tasks
Please suggest a term that could be applied to this field. Your suggestion will be reviewed by the annotations team and added to the global vocabulary if appropriate. You can continue with the rest of this record and submit as normal.
This training module has already started. Do you want to continue from your previous position or restart the module?